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Check-in & check-out takes place in the Dining Hall/Pavilion area. During check-in, leave all luggage in your vehicle and keep campers, visitors and minors in your presence at all times. Please follow signs and verbal instructions at check-in.

During check-out, you will be asked to present a photo-ID at the check-out table located on the Dining Hall porch. Be sure you and your camper collect all of their belongings, including necessary medication from the nurse’s table. There is a $15/hr charge for campers not picked up on time.


Parents are requested to pre-pay store money as it expedites the check-in process. The camp store sells snacks/drinks ($1.50), t-shirts ($15+) and other clothing items, animals ($2 to $14+), hats, Nalgenes ($15), jewelry ($1.50 to $5), and many other items. Unused store money will be available for return at check-out. Balances under $1.00 will automatically be transferred to the Tekoa Scholarship Fund.


Campers may receive letters by mail or through the website email system. Mail letters/packages one week prior to camp so they will arrive timely. NO food, candy or gum. If sent, these items will be disposed. Label all mail /packages with camper name, event name, camp week. You may also leave packages in the large green mail" boxes when you check-in. Have your campers name and the date you want it delivered to them written on it.

Any mail received at Tekoa after the camper's week of camp will be shredded. We are unable to forward any mail or packages on to our campers.


During check-in, ALL MEDICATIONS must be checked in with the nurse. Prescription medication(s) should be in the original container in a Ziploc bag, clearly marked with camper’s name, dose amount, and frequency, and any other instructions. Bring ONLY the amount necessary for your camper’s stay. Tekoa’s wellness center is stocked with a variety of generic over-the-counter medications including pain relievers, antacids, etc. therefore it is NOT necessary to send this medication with your camper. If sent, OTC meds will not be returned. Campers are not allowed to keep meds with them. Any medications left at camp will be disposed of after 7 days.

What happens in an emergency? Our registered nurse is on duty 24 hours a day. In the event your camper is sick for more than 6 hours, you will be contacted by phone. Minor injuries/illnesses are documented in the Nurse Log Book. For any major injuries/illnesses when your camper has to be transported to the hospital or doctor’s office, you will be contacted immediately.

Insurance: Camp Tekoa does not carry health insurance on campers. Campers must be covered under a policy provided from home. If your camper requires medical treatment, your insurance information will be provided to the hospital and/or physician. Any unpaid medical bills incurred at camp will be sent home and/or collected at time of check-out.

Nondiscrimination Statement: In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national orgin, sex, age, or disability.