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10 Items to Pack for Your Week at Summer Camp

10 Items to Pack for Your Week at Summer Camp

Wednesday, 05 July 2023 08:42

Getting ready for summer camp is a time filled with a mix of excitement and stress. The anticipation of new adventures, making friends, and experiencing a variety of activities can be incredibly exciting. The thought of spending days in the great outdoors, engaging in sports, crafts, and campfire stories, can create a sense of exhilaration. 

The idea of being away from home and exploring a new environment adds to the thrill. It's a time when you can let your imagination run wild, picturing all the incredible experiences that await you at camp.

However, amidst the excitement, there can also be some stress. Ensuring you have everything you need can be a little overwhelming. Packing for camp requires careful planning and organization. You may find yourself going through checklists, making sure you have all the necessary clothing, toiletries, and equipment. The pressure to not forget anything important can sometimes cause stress. 

Additionally, the thought of being away from family and the comfort of home can be a little nerve-wracking. It's natural to have some concerns about being in a new environment, adapting to camp routines, and getting along with fellow campers. However, these stresses are often overshadowed by the excitement of upcoming adventures and the chance to create lasting memories.

Ultimately, the excitement of getting ready for summer camp outweighs any stresses that may arise. It's a time of anticipation, where you eagerly count down the days until you embark on this new adventure. 

The thought of exploring nature, participating in thrilling activities, and forging new friendships fills you with a sense of joy and wonder. While there may be some challenges along the way, the overall anticipation and excitement of summer camp create an atmosphere of boundless energy and eager anticipation.

What You Don’t Want To Forget To Pack for Summer Camp

When preparing for summer camp, it's important to pack wisely to ensure you have all the essential items you'll need. Here are ten things you should consider packing:

1. Clothing

Pack enough weather-appropriate clothes for the duration of your camp, including t-shirts, shorts, pants, and underwear. Don't forget to include a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings and rain gear in case of inclement weather.

2. Footwear

Bring a pair of comfortable and sturdy close-toed shoes for activities like hiking, sports, and outdoor games. Don't forget to pack socks and sandals or flip-flops for walking around the campsite or near water areas.

3. Bedding

Check with the camp if they provide bedding or if you need to bring your sleeping bag, pillow, and sheets. Packing an extra blanket can be useful for cooler nights.

4. Toiletries

Pack a toiletry bag with essentials like a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, sunscreen, insect repellent, and any other personal care items you may need. Don't forget a towel and any necessary medications.

5. Swimwear

If your camp has a swimming pool, lake, or beach, make sure to pack swimwear, a towel, and water shoes.

6. Flashlight

A small flashlight or headlamp is essential for navigating around the campsite, especially during nighttime or when nature calls.

7. Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is crucial, so bring a reusable water bottle that you can refill throughout the day.

8. First Aid Kit

It's always a good idea to have a basic first aid kit that includes band-aids, antiseptic ointment, pain relievers, and any specific medications you may require.

9. Snacks

While most camps provide meals, it's helpful to have some snacks on hand for in-between meals or late-night cravings. Choose non-perishable items like granola bars, trail mix, or individually packaged snacks.

10. Entertainment and Additionals

Pack a book, deck of cards, or small games for downtime or in case of inclement weather. It's good to have some entertainment options for when you have free time.

Make sure you bring pre-stamped envelopes, notecards, writing paper, pens, and pencils to be able to write to your friends and family.


You may also want to remember to bring a few things that remind you of home, such as:

  • Photos
  • Notes
  • A stuffed animal
  • Special blanket

What NOT to Pack for Summer Camp

  • Cell phones
  • Laptops
  • Video games
  • iPads, iPods, mp3 players
  • Valuables (anything you wouldn’t want to get misplaced, such as valuable jewelry, etc.)
  • Weapons such as firearms, knives, ammunition, bows, paintball guns, etc.

Remember to double-check the packing guidelines and recommendations provided by your specific summer camp to ensure you have everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable experience and you aren’t packing anything you aren’t allowed to bring.

Your Week of Summer Camp at Camp Tekoa

Summer camp is an adventure filled with personal growth, new friendships, and exciting experiences. Embrace the opportunity and make the most of your time at camp. Enjoy yourself and have a fantastic summer camp experience!

Our mission at Camp Tekoa is “Touching hearts, changing lives, sharing the light of Christ.”

Christian values are the foundation of Camp Tekoa. Everything we do is built around our mission. Every child is valued and belongs here. We try to help each camper grow into who God is calling them to be, whether it is through the off-site adventure trips or our weekly talent show. 

Camp Tekoa is the perfect place for your child to grow in their faith and build a stronger faith community with other campers and counselors while having a successful camp experience. For more information about how Camp Tekoa can help your child grow while having a great time at camp, contact us or visit our website. If you are interested in registering your child for Camp Tekoa, visit our website or give us a call!